- Accepting New Patients
- Offers Evening Appointments
- Offers Saturday Appointments
- In Office Appointments
- Telehealth Appointments
- COVID Vaccinated
- Ball State Univeristy- Bachelor Degree Social Work 1982
- Indiana University- Masters Degree Counseling and Counselor Education 1989
- Indiana University- Doctoral Degree Counseling Psychology 1995
New Patient Evaluation: $300
Psychotherapy (follow-up) Appointments: $225
Personal Bio
All humans experience pain and stress in life along with the propensity to become entangled in distressing thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations when challenges arise. This often leads to perceptions, interactions, behavior, and decisions that add further distress to both the mind and body. I attempt to facilitate increased mindfulness with individuals through improved insight, awareness, compassion, non-judgment, and decreased entanglement in the distressing internal dialogue. I incorporate mindfulness, person-centered, cognitive and compassion based approaches as I guide individuals toward increased connection with inner peace.
The following provides a glimpse into my style of therapy:
“I beg you…to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer…”
– Rainer Maria Rike
Provider Details
Treats patients ages 18 and up
- Anxiety Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- Body Image Issues
- Caregiver Stress
- Chronic / Terminal Illness Issues
- Co-Occurring Disorders
- Culture / Ethnic Issues
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- End of Life Concerns
- General: Women's Issues
- Grief and Loss
- LGBTQ Issues
- Life Adjustments and Transitions
- Mood Disorders
- Panic Disorder
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Self-Esteem Issues
- Sleep Disorders / Insomnia
- Social Anxiety
- Individual
- Eclectic Therapy
- Mindfulness Based Therapy
Insurance Coverage
- In Network: Anthem / Blue Cross Blue Shield
- In Network: Cigna
- In Network: ComPsych
- In Network: Marketplace Cigna
- In Network: Marketplace United Health Care
- In Network: New Avenues
- In Network: Sagamore
- In Network: United Healthcare / UBH / Optum
New Patient Evaluation: $300
Psychotherapy (follow-up) Appointments: $225