We have finally worked out the bugs and can once again accept credit card payments for Zelis products!!! While our online order form is under construction, you can place your order by: Emailing our staff: billing@indianahealthgroup.com Calling our office: 317-843-9922 In person: 703 Pro-Med Lane, Carmel, IN 46032
IHG welcomes Kaitlin Stallings, LMHC to our treatment team!
Kaitlin Stallings, LMCH, recently joined our team! Kaitlin is now accepting new patients of all ages for both in-person and telehealth appointments! Click here for additional information on Kaitlin!
IHG is excited to welcome Lee Juarez & Jill Lintner to our IHG medical treatment team!
Lee Juarez, APRN has returned to IHG after relocating out of state and maternity leave. Lee offers telehealth appointments only for children and adolescents! Click here for more information on Lee! Jill Lintner, APRN, has recently joined our medical team! Jill is now accepting new patients of all ages for both in-person and telehealth appointments! Click…
Genoa Pharmacy is live online!!
You can now have a live online consult with the Genoa Pharmacy staff! Check it out! Click here to have a consult with our pharmacy staff Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-2:30pm Lunch 12:30-1:00 Daily Of course, Caitlin & Katie are still onsite for those of you that would prefer to visit them in person!!
New Insurance?
Don’t forget to let us know! This time of year brings a lot of changes to insurance plans. To ensure that your claims get sent to the right place, make sure we have the correct information. Patients will be responsible for any claims that are denied due to inaccurate information if outside the claim filing…
Patient Portal / Gmail Issue!
PLEASE NOTE! At the present time, Gmail is blocking the notifications from My Medical Locker, so if you you use Gmail as your address on file for Indiana Health Group and for My Medical Locker, you will not receive a notification of messages sent to you through My Medical Locker. You may wish to provide…
Telehealth Self Check-In Now Required!
If your appointment is scheduled for telehealth don’t forget to check-in just as if you were being seen in the office! Click here for to learn more about doxy.me, our new telehealth platform! Click here for a helpful check in guide.
Accepting NEW Patients
Are you or someone you care about feeling more stress and anxiety than normal? You are NOT alone… Indiana Health Group is HERE TO HELP! We understand the tremendous mental strain that everyone is feeling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear and anxiety about your health and the health of your loved ones can be…
COVID-19 Resources
Co-Parenting During COVID-19 – Becker Bouwkamp Walker Speaking of Psychology: Coronavirus Anxiety – APA COVID-19 Managing Stress & Anxiety – CDC Behavioral Activation to Prevent Depression During COVID-19 – Psychology Today COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide – NAMI
Automated Pharmacy Refill Requests
Indiana Health Group has not accepted automated pharmacy fax refill requests for over 10 years. If you need a refill, we ask that you contact the office via the portal on our website or by calling the office to request the refill yourself. Every day, our office receives hundreds of automated fax refill requests. A…